On a Personal Note…

We head back to Austin in a few weeks for the first time since leaving. It’s the last place we considered home. Anticipating many questions, I’ve had a mind full, wondering how to adequately describe our first year and ½ in a new culture, language, team and life rhythm. I don’t think there’s a great way to encompass it all. It was both beautiful and heartbreaking. It was the hardest year of our life, and it was worth it. It’s taken us this long to acknowledge and accept many things about this journey and that acceptance has only come from God himself. Again, Jesus has again been enough, more than sufficient. As we wrestled through the costs, the emotional, spiritual, financial, and physical, we know that after an honest moment with Jesus, it’s not our costs we should be concerned about. But our flesh wants to count them over and over… Our heart wants to be known, understood, even just listened to… But this isn’t always a reality for any of us. God didn’t promise us this would be comfortable or that we’d understand or enjoy all aspects of this journey. But he does promise that He loves us. His purposes will not get derailed in the most dysfunctional of circumstances. I came to a realization over the past several months that I actually can do anything through Christ Jesus. I get it wrong all the time, but his power is available to me. I can be kind even when I want to scream. I can trust him to effect change. I don’t have to seek my own justice....

Why We Will Go

“How does this make any sense?” I asked over and over sitting on the edge of the bed one day a few summers ago in Nicaragua. I kept asking God how he could possibly use a family of Americans in a different culture. So clearly seeing how irrelevant we seemed there, and how stripped of everything familiar. And after all the wrestling with Him, we came home to the same questions from family and friends. But his answer is always the same. He is enough. He is sufficient for our weak faith and lack of vision. We have been asked about why we would leave the comforts of the United States. Why Costa Rica? Why wouldn’t we stay closer to home and serve those here instead? We love that people care, and are authentic enough to ask. We love that they love us so much, that they wonder why we would go and need to question us. So much need here, so much going on presently in our own culture. And while the reality of our leaving sets in, we are still convinced this is what God has next for us. We haven’t deserted our own, and chosen others as more valuable. We are just doing the next thing. The next ‘yes.’ Because when God invites you to something, no matter how impossible, the only answer is yes. Need is everywhere, it always has been. But need doesn’t determine our call; God determines our call. It’s his work, not ours. We know that God continues and desires to grow and build up the amazing community of people we are...

Just Begin Where You Are.

We leave for Costa Rica in 4 months. Sometimes people that don’t know us very well seem to think we’ve figured something out that they haven’t. I don’t think that’s true, but if it’s anything, it’s this. We are weak, and God is strong. And at the end of each day, it’s about what team you’re on not whether you’re always getting it right. And the reality is none of us are capable of such a life, regardless of how much we try. At some point, we all face our own brokenness, lack of faith, or lose hope. I imagine for simplicity I could just write about why Jesus is the answer to all of that. And He is. But really, what I think is more important, is that we all have a shared narrative. I don’t think God really needs me to tell anyone how I’ve figured it out, since I haven’t. But maybe He wants me to share more about how I never really ever got it right. About how grateful we all should be that it’s not up to us. About how it’s all about his mercy. I think he wants me to share how much we’re all really the same. For those that just don’t see how living for Jesus makes sense, maybe we have more in common than you’d think. There are so many different perceptions of freedom. Some are true and some aren’t. But I think we’re all trying to get more of it. Sometimes I think about the darkest parts of my own story, and I grieve it again. I don’t need...

Vida Abundante.

We are half way into week three here in San Jose. This trip has been very good. We have spent time with Young Life kids, with staff, and we have met new friends. We do miss our friends and family back in Austin and we are excited to get back and see them, but it is nice to know that when we move here there are some great families that are anxious to help us settle in and start to build a life here. Wow. That is hard to type. I think because as I type it I think of all the people we will miss. People like you reading this and especially our family. We went to a church yesterday called Vida Abundante. Abundant Life. I think those are marvelous words because I feel like more and more that is what Jesus is doing in our lives. I think our kids are learning that fear is not real. Maybe ‘worry’ is a better word. They are learning that when you trust Jesus and go to club even though you don’t want to, because you will be one of a few speaking english, Jesus has something to show you. When you get in the car and go, Jesus shows up and you get to laugh till you are just busting at the seams. Vida Abundante. I mean sure, maybe they were laughing because they were still a little timid but the emotion is so powerful and it is all built on Faith in Jesus. Trusting Him. Trust Him with something big. Something you think is impossible. But believe He...

Our Time Here in Costa Rica

Hello Friends! Today is Monday, and after a slower week, resting and working on our Spanish, we had a busier weekend and have many things planned this week. We spent Saturday at camp with Vida Joven & Capernaum kids. And Sunday, we attended a church in Escazu. Escazu Christian Fellowship. (West side) They don’t have an actual building, but meet in the International Baptist building on Sunday nights and the service is in English. We plan to visit another church on Sunday, Viva Abundante on the East side, where they translate from Spanish to English in their earlier service. No English speaking churches on the East side that we can find. The service yesterday was done in a Taize tradition where it’s completely unplugged, no lights, no instruments. Only our voices and candles. They do this a few times a year. Candles lighting the words we sing, candles used to see the scripture readings, and long silences and moments of prayer throughout the night. It was a beautiful time to be still during a service with others to pray, be still, and then we took communion together with them as a family. We were introduced to the small congregation there, and were approached by many afterward with blessings, encouragements, offers to use their homes for YL mtgs, and to help us look for homes as time nears for our move here. We are hosting and cooking dinner for some staff this week; which we’re excited about. Our time has been filled with great moments, and challenging moments, but we’re starting to see and feel more that God is going...

Capernaum in Costa Rica

Here’s a few pictures from our time here with Capernaum (Special Needs) Young Life.  The kids and their leaders put on a talent show in Alajuela, Costa Rica. Jimmy, the kids and I had a beautiful time with these sweet kids, their leaders, and the community.  These  kids had rehearsed and worked toward this day for a month, and many of their parents were in the audience.  It was such a great day.  While we were around these kids we were struck by how free, courageous and joyful they were.  We learned a lot this day.  ...