It’s all True!

I’ve always thought that I believed all the claims of Jesus;  what we were supposed to look like if we knew Him, the power He would provide us to have peace, feel compassion and how we’d be new and want what He wanted.  But each time we take a leap of faith, one that invites us to say yes, we always seem to find it harder to actually walk through it.   We keep learning that maybe our belief was maybe just a thought.  An idea.  Or maybe something we should think.  For us, walking through various invitations is what grew roots, deep roots that now give us Him in a more real way.   No longer a mere idea, thought or something I should do… But simply a reality worth betting on.  We bet on the fact that our fridge will work as we purchase hundreds of dollars of groceries, and we bet our phones will help us reach help if we need it.  We bet on truth that our kids will do better on tests if they study, and we know we’ll be warm if we put on a coat. It didn’t occur to me really until each season of growth in our own understanding of God, especially in the last few years, that maybe we can’t really know what we believe unless we walk it out.  Maybe that’s why He tells us in James not to read His word and deceive ourselves, but to do what it says.  How long did we deceive ourselves of our belief and then learn during the trials that ‘belief’ had to...

It's all True!

I’ve always thought that I believed all the claims of Jesus;  what we were supposed to look like if we knew Him, the power He would provide us to have peace, feel compassion and how we’d be new and want what He wanted.  But each time we take a leap of faith, one that invites us to say yes, we always seem to find it harder to actually walk through it.   We keep learning that maybe our belief was maybe just a thought.  An idea.  Or maybe something we should think.  For us, walking through various invitations is what grew roots, deep roots that now give us Him in a more real way.   No longer a mere idea, thought or something I should do… But simply a reality worth betting on.  We bet on the fact that our fridge will work as we purchase hundreds of dollars of groceries, and we bet our phones will help us reach help if we need it.  We bet on truth that our kids will do better on tests if they study, and we know we’ll be warm if we put on a coat. It didn’t occur to me really until each season of growth in our own understanding of God, especially in the last few years, that maybe we can’t really know what we believe unless we walk it out.  Maybe that’s why He tells us in James not to read His word and deceive ourselves, but to do what it says.  How long did we deceive ourselves of our belief and then learn during the trials that ‘belief’ had to...

Costa Rica – Vidas Jovenas

Last summer we were blessed to spend part of our summer with Young Life in Central America capturing a little bit of what they do.  I remembered that I sent this to some friends, but never actually posted online.  This video was for the special purpose of thanking donors and supporters across North America and locally. I loved being able to spend time with these people at club, in their homes, and seeing how this community comes together on behalf of the families they serve.  ...

Speak Life

Elementary School is again in session.  I’m reminded of how important our words are to our families and our kids as schedules and homework and “routine’ begin to threaten the freedom we felt over the summer.  In just two weeks we begin our 5th Grade girls bible study, and already, I am hearing stories of these girls reaching out to new kids, or kids having a bad day, and I see their friendships being rooted in something that matters. It reminded me of last Spring, when these girls all got together after school, and filled balloons with messages of hope, love and encouragement.  The excitement they had in releasing the balloons had everything to do with how much they loved being part of something that might speak life into someone that desperately needed it. After praying that the messages go directly to people that needed them, the girls rushed out, counted down from 3, and let them go!  I love how in a world of cynicism (especially now in an election year) they are learning early how to choose between speaking life or joining the masses in criticism and negativity. I’m so hopeful for the school year and how some amazing parents are getting it right. Working together in community, and raising thoughtful kids. Let’s really see our kids; see all they can be. Speak life into them and they’ll learn to speak life into...

Nica Orphanage

Here’s a few shots of an orphanage in Managua, Nicaragua. I stopped in to see if I could help out, and snapped a few shots while there.  The Young Life Expedition team was there, and were doing a great job of loving on the babies and kids that live there.  It was beautiful watching babies being held,  fed and adored by each of these college...

Another Ordinary Family…

This summer, while in Nicaragua and Costa Rica, we’ve met so many families living poured out lives for the sake of the Gospel.  One thing that keeps standing out as we meet each new person is that the one valuable thing they have isn’t within themselves, but rather a complete surrender to Someone they happen to know well.  Our Pastor back home wrote yesterday about the great purpose for each ordinary person, and as I read it I remembered how it seems a realization of our own brokenness happens oftentimes just before some of our biggest adventures in faith.  He shared how he ran into old friends that are walking away from everything they worked for, everything they thought they ever wanted to make their lives about something more valuable.  I feel blessed that God moves in the hearts of all of us. My prayer is that we’ll all learn to listen.  Following costs each of us something different b/c our expectations and ideas are different , but we all gain the same thing.   Hope in an eternal Truth that brings a freedom you can’t create, buy, or produce on your own.  To get it, you search, question, fall, and learn to get back up.  Then you learn to trust and to believe.  You learn to jump into the unknown, and the adventure builds and builds until you’ve built such a story with the One that guides you that you have to share it. Spending time with the Rodgers family was a high point in our journey while here.  Their story was one of longing to go, but...