Back in Mexico

Well I am back in Mexico a mile from the border. We were up and on the road again at 5. So I will be short but i do want to share my experiences with you.  For some you have gotten these notes before and I thank you for your prayers.

I am always amazed at how much withdrawing from life to come across the border changes my perspective. There is so much need and it is really just a matter of listening and putting faith first

I really did not think I could make this trip with my work being so crazy these days.  But I am thankful for my team and though I am only down for couple of days I have already felt closer to God in many ways. And felt satans constant pull to safer things.

I am here and I could not feel more safe and alive.  I sat at dinner on the front patio area of a small house and had the best tacos of my life.  A man and woman with there small daughter. Cooking from the house. So good.  We were able to bless them with some money and I will give more tomorrow but here support goes far.  We also prayed for them and I have forgotten how powerful it is to be around Z when he gets going.

I love being here. We painted a room in a building Z is turning into a center for kids of the area. See Americans are no longer coming to help as they once did. The violence has them scared.  I understand but I do not see it or understand it. I am here because I love it and i love these people. They are real. They are struggling and they need our help.  And not much help.  Just time and money.

Today I met one of the girls that lives in a house I helped build 2 years ago. Wow. Just to be part of that is very special.

I am pretty tired but today I remembered that focusing on a relationship with God is truly life giving and makes so much of the world i live in everyday seem…wrong.

Come with me next time I promise you will live and it will change your perspective.

Love to all
